Here’s a secret – one of the prettiest spots in all of Baja lies just a couple hours north of La Paz. There are reported to be close to 600 cruising yachts in La Paz. We’ve got just three of them for neighbors.
Of course the charts are not accurate, but there are few offlying dangers, and for the most part the coast of the island is approachable with a degree of caution.

This is a comparison of a DMA raster and Nobeltec vector chart. Both have us just about on land.

Here is the real world. The RADAR on the right shows us 3/8 of a mile offshore. As the soundings are suspect we’ve got the SONAR looking forward on the left monitor.

Those red rocks are one of the things we like about this part of the world. It reminds us of our land base in Tucson, Arizona. Both share the same Sonora desert flora and fauna.

We never get tired of looking at this type of scenery.

We’ve even got some of these saguaro cactuses in the back yard.

This bay is well protected, and the breeze tends to be lighter than that found outside. It is a great spot for swimming (water temperature demands a light wet suit), and we’ve been enjoying daily use of our exercise machine.

For those of you into picking wild flowers, the season is here.

There’s the usual fish camp ashore. This fellow and three of his buddies from La Paz spend four or five days here bottom fishing for red snapper. They then make the run back to La Paz to sell their catch. They were getting low on fresh water and asked if we had any to spare. As we’d filled the forward tank (1000 gallons) on the way down using the water maker, we were happy to oblige.

And a mystery. We found this piece of coral on the windward side of the cove. There is not supposed to be any coral this far north. There is a reef about 70 miles south of here, but these waters are way too cold – at least that is the theory. Maybe theory is wrong?