Point Arguello: Turning the Corner

Turning the corner at Point Arguello.

Vandenberg Missile Launch Pad

The Pacific Coast turns a corner of sorts between Point Arguello and Point Conception. From here the coast trends southeast all the way to Panama. If you’ve been way north, as we have, this is the last area with any degree of challenge before the density (and easy cruising) of Southern California. You also have Vandenberg missile launch facilities.

Offshore oil rig

Not to mention the beginning of a string of offshore oil platform that go almost to San Diego.

Humback whale off Point Conception

Ah, but there is also an amazing density of wildlife. Today, for example, we’ve seen no less than eight humpback whales.

humpback whale feeding

Including this fellow with his mouth open as he swoops up through a late afternoon meal.

Humpback whale in kelp

Some of the humpbacks were feeding, or maybe playing, within patches of kelp.

Humpback whales feeding

This couple were sharing their bounty with the local bird population.

Sea lions sunbathing

There are hundreds of sea lions. Some are just catching a few rays and discussing the events of the day.


Of course the pelicans are out in strength. In fact, we’ve seen huge flocks of these amazing birds as far north as Gray’s Harbor, Washington. A plus for global warming.

And all of this within a couple of hours of the Channel Islands. Maybe civilization won’t be so bad if we remember that we can partake in the wildlife with just a short cruise.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (September 11, 2007)

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