Affordable Choice for UK Electronic Charts

A surprisingly affordable option for UK electronic charts.

We’ve been working through our charts requirements – paper and electronic – as well as our guide books for the coming trip to the UK.

For much of the world the British Admiralty Hydrographic Office has the best charts. This is particularly true for the United Kingdom. Their paper and electronic charts also happen to be very expensive, and there are a lot of them for the British Isles.


You can imagine how pleased we were to find that Maptech now offers the entire Admiralty chart portfolio of the UK (see above) for US$149.95 + shipping.

We called Maptech to verify that these raster charts were indeed scans of the Admiralty originals and that the detailed scales were included.

We’ll have our disc loaded on the computer within a couple of weeks and report what we find. Assuming the needed charts are on the disc, this is a wonderful resource for anyone cruising the United Kingdom.

Here is the URL we used for our order:

Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 29, 2008)

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