Monday, May 22 – 0923
The wind has swung to the west and although light, is an indication that the SW flow shown to the west on this morning’s fax charts will probably fill in as predicted.
Beowulf has cleared customs, the dinghies are double lashed, storm covers are in place on the hatches, and our two big reachers are on deck and ready to go.
The forecasts for Thursday AM still show a cold front coming off the New England coast, so it is going to be a race to see if we can get into port ahead of the frontal shift – and the beat which that event entails.
Speaking of races – we met the skipper of the lovely Rebecca (140′ Frers) while clearing out – and as we’re both going to Newport, we’ve agreed to a friendly race. They’re giving us a six-hour handicap. The winner gets a six-pack of his or her favorite beer. Should be interesting.
As soon as we stow the laundry, now flying happily on our starboard side, we’re off towards Newport.
(View the weatherfaxes at .)