Beowulf Ducks in to Check Out Port of Huatulco

(morning) 15 deg 30.8 min N, 095 deg 40.5 min W

15 deg 30.8 min N, 095 deg 40.5 min W Course 118 deg, Speed 11 knots

For a long time we’ve heard about the port of Huatulco-that it was protected, clean, and charming. Since we were working the coast and abeam at mid-day we decided to drop in and check it out. It is indeed a lovely spot, so not being on a schedule we dropped the hook.

We’re now out in the Gulf. It is blowing 30 or so, at about 75 degrees true wind angle. The seas are rather steep, but overall, not that bad. Beowulf is working her way through them without too much fuss. We are carrying just reefed main and reefed mizzen, no headsail, holding our speed down until the seas go around more on the beam-which we think will happen in another 50 to 75 miles.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (January 17, 2000)

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