Beowulf in Caribbean 1500: Wind Dies in Center of High

Beowulf sails into the center of the high, which has sucked away all the wind. But Linda and Steve stilll have hopes of breaking the record. Meanwhile, they’re using their "vacuum packer" to pack away cool-weather clothes.

0900 – 20’28"N/65’03W – 120 Miles to the Finish

A vacuum has set in.

It was too good to last – and now that stationary high over the Bahamas has started to move in our direction. Breeze is down to a fickle four to ten knots as the center of the high vacuums up the wind pressure. But we’re close enough to make it in before midnight (we hope). The folks behind may not be so lucky and are in for several days of light airs. In some ways it is just retribution for the fact they’ve been sailing in stronger pressure the last three days than has been our lot.

The sailing last night was wonderful. Full moon, calm seas, broad reaching at wind speed (10 to 11 knots) – so the conditions this AM are a good contrast.We wouldn’t want to think that all sailing was perfect.

And being officially in the tropics our vacuum packer is going full bore, storing temperate-latitude clothing. Thermals, watch caps, gloves, sweaters, heavy jackets are all being stuffed into bags and vacuumed tight. This system offers two advantages: one, you get more compact stowage. Two, by removing all air and moisture, mold and mildew are not a problem. (This is the same household vacuum packer we use for foodstuffs. To read an article we wrote on this, click here.)

The various gods willing, we’ll update in the AM with our final elapsed time and how we’ve done against the existing record.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 10, 2000)

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