Thanksgiving on St. Martin

Thanksgiving in St. Martin, where the Dashews are thankful for a healthy family, a strong, fast boat, and moderate tradewinds.

Beowulf is anchored inside Simpson’s Lagoon on St. Martin. We’re surrounded by an assortment of mono- and multihulls from around the world – and not a charter boat in sight.

It is Thursday, Thanksgiving Day Holiday in the States, and we’ve had the galley on full throttle all day. There’s a turkey of course, and Linda’s homemade cranberry jelly. The Pumpkin pie is ready, as is the turkey stuffing and of course yams. The temperature may be in the 80s (F) but it definitely feels like a winter holiday aboard Beowulf.

A couple of cruising friends are sharing the evening with us. Murray is an Australian professional sailor whom we keep meeting in various ports around the world. Since we are both from rebel-held territory (ex UK colonies) we figured he would relate to Turkey Day. John is a professional photographer recently retired whom we met in the Caribbean 1500. He’s done lots of cruising in Europe and we’re hoping to get some pointers on the Azores and Ireland this evening.

St. Martin is held by the Dutch and French. We’re on the Dutch side of the lagoon and the marine infrastructure is wonderful. We had a stainless shackle which needed some welding. Took it in to FKG Marine and a couple of hours and $25.00 later it was good as new. FKG is a machine shop and rigging loft – their retail prices on Spectra ropes are better than we can get wholesale in the US. Wish we needed some new running rigging!

Down the street is Boating World – a fantastic marine store with a huge inventory. Prices are about the same as the discount stores in the US and the inventory is much better than anything we’ve seen at home in a long time. They have the usual big-ticket items – but also a huge inventory of fiddly things like threaded rod, specialized electrical parts, and a very complete plumbing selection. A fun place to window shop even if you don’t need anything.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, we’ve got lots to be thankful for. Wonderful family, strong, fast, and dry boat, our health, and right now moderate tradewinds.

Tommorrow we’re off for St. Barts.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 23, 2000)

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