Santana 37

I am inquiring about any good places to go for Santana 37 info. I have talked with Schock and they have been very helpful. I have also talked with Peter Crane of Peter Crane Yachts. Not much on the Internet about this boat.

I have a chance to buy Destiny II, Hull Number 2 of the Santana series, and wonder if it is a great boat or just a 30-year-old boat. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Eric

Hi Eric: I think you have covered the bases on the Santana 37–except you might find some interesting photos in Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia–our daughter Sarah was a partner in a Santana 37 for a while.

I would not call it a GREAT boat–not many of those around. The real issue is how sound your particular boat is, and the price–the latter being the major issue. If the dollars are attractive enough, and you get the boat properly prepared, I think you will find it more sea-kindly than a lot of newer designs, which are beamier. Good Luck–Steve Dashew

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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