We are getting our sea legs back after two months of mostly protected water cruising. Winds are as predicted at 15 knots from the north, on the nose of course. There is a slightly favorable current which steepens the waves. Have backed off the speed to 10 knots as we are carrying an extra 4 tons of fresh water (1000 gallons) because we expect the cold and salty ocean of Svalbard to reduce watermaker output and we have grown accustomed to nightly baths and hot showers.
Chocolate chip cookies are holding out and we are enjoying some extra sleep with a two hour on four off routine, one of the benefits of having our friend Joe Kutschka aboard.
7/2/2009 6:46 AM (UTC) position 71°26.82’N 018°41.62’E spd 10.1 hdg 346T
Posted by Steve Dashew (July 2, 2009)