Antenna Connections: Keeping Them Secure & Dry

A couple of new tricks we’ve learned from Troy Bethel, who has been helping us with updating our SSB e-mail system and installing a high gain WiFi antenna.

To begin with, secure, dry antenna connections are a must, albeit not easy to do on a seagoing vessel.

dielectric waterproofing filler

This dielectric water proofing filler is used to seal the coaxial connections.

how to waterproof coaxial connector

Put a drop of it on the inside of the connector (purchase from ham radio suppliers).

heat shrink for waterproofing coax connector

Troy then put a piece of heavy duty heat shrink over the entire coax connector.


You can also mold some of this “Coax-Seal” over the outside of the connector if heat shrink is not practical.

wire tie tightening/cut off tool

And for you tool groupies, check this out. Todd Rickard has been telling us to get one of these wire tie tightening/cut off tools for months. But it wasn’t until we saw Troy’s in use that desire overcame inertia. Not only does this tighten the wire tie, but the cut is so short that nothing is left that can snag clothing or skin. Look for these at industrial electrical suppliers.

ferrite for reducing surface electrical charges

This little device is called a “ferrite”. You place these at each end of power and signal cables to reduce or eliminate surface electrical charges. You will often see them on computer power or monitor cables. With SSB radios it often helps to have ferrites on power and control cables (available in different values from ham radio suppliers).

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 11, 2008)

One Response to “Antenna Connections: Keeping Them Secure & Dry”

  1. Joerg Drexhagen Says:

    sorry, but there is only one solutionen for a good waterproof connection at a ssb backstay antenna . Good surface on the backstay, waterproof connection of the got-15 cable, material is stainless steel.