Simpson Lawrence Claw

Steve – It’s finally time to take our Deerfoot 61/63 out the St. Lawrence from Chicago to Maine for the summer, then the Caribbean for the winter and the Med for the following summer. I have a question regarding anchors. I have a 105lb CQR that works well but needs replacing, as the point has rusted through. I am considering the purchase of the following: 105lb CQR, 140lb CQR, 110lb Bruce, or 110lb Claw (Bruce knockoff). Which would you recommend? In particular, have you gotten any feedback on the Simpson Lawrence Claw anchors? They typically are priced less than 50% of the same size Bruce. (FYI, I also have a Fortress FX85 and a 100lb Paul Luke fisherman anchor as backups.) Thanks in advance, Mike

Hi Mike: I’d be tempted to go with the 110lb Bruce – or the Simpson Lawrence Claw if it is exactly the same. This will give you better holding in rock than any of the CQR sizes, and better holding in thin sand over coral and soft mud. It will not be as good in hard sand/mud, but that’s what the size is for. If the anchor is not exactly the same, I would make the decision on the basis of this question: Assume you are anchored in an open bay, there are lots of rocks/reefs so you need good light to exit, and it is midnight, when the unforecast blow starts. The wind then rapidly builds to 50/60 knots with blinding rain squalls, all pushing you against a rocky lee shore. Now, what anchor do you want on the bottom?

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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