Split Rigs for 40-footers

I am thinking of building or buying a 40-ft yacht for long-distance bluewater cruising with a small family crew. Can you please give me some input to the rigging systems you have for your yachts? I have read some of your most interesting topics in Tech Talk–is there any for the 2-masted rigging? I’m very impressed with your boats. Yours, Bosse

Hi Bosse: First, avoid building a boat if at all possible. It is much, much better to find a good used boat! Our opinion is that for any boat under 60 feet or so in length, a sloop or cutter rig (single mast) is a better choice. It is simpler, less costly, easier to sail, and faster. As the boats get larger, the ketch rig starts to make sense. There is quite a bit of information on rigs and rigging in our Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia (as well as data on interiors). Regards–Steve Dashew

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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