Stabilized Spinnaker Details


Some time ago we promised detailed photos of the stabilized spinnaker design which we shot in the Canary Islands. The concept  is that the shuttered slots across the face of the sail reduce oscillation and improve stability. It is hard for us to judge the efficacy of the concept from a brief encounter, but it does look interesting.





Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 11, 2011)

2 Responses to “Stabilized Spinnaker Details”

  1. Justin Murphy Says:

    Would it be possible to fly something like that on an FPB? I know a sailing boat normally has a heavy keel but perhaps for this type of sail, downwind, one could do without?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Justin:
    The stabilized spinnaker would not be practical on the short emergency rig of the FPB. However, we do have a down wind sail.