Svalbard Desert


We thought we were done with the Svalbard Islands, but a combination of factors has delayed our departure.


To begin with, we have not gotten any good photos of reindeer (a species of caribou we are told) although we have seen them on the shore.


These were close enough to a steeply shelving shoreline to allow us to get within camera range. Joe shot these using the 100/400 zoom on a Canon 50D body while Steve maneuvered in close using sonar to avoid shoals and rocks.


Then there was a lemon meringue pie to be manufactured from scratch. We cannot cruise to 80 north and be without at least one of these specialties.


The latest weather models were showing 25 to 30 knots of wind from the east south east off South Cape. This probably means ice in the is being pushed across our track, difficult to discern in a big sea. So we decided to anchor for the night and let the breeze blow itself out. We were visited by this small French sloop. You do not need a big boat to cruise. You just have to be willing to trade some comfort for being out there doing it. This photo was shot close to midnight in full sunlight.


This colorful charter ketch came by for a look too.


As if to tease us into staying longer the air has been wonderfully clear, with just a few high clouds for contrast.


We’ll leave you with a few shots of the mountains surrounding us, typical of what you find in this part of the world.



Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 15, 2009)

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