One of the things which attracted us to the Jarrett Bay Marine Park here in Beaufort was the work we saw at Bausch American. Their specialty is towers for sports fishermen, so they are used to working with aluminum. We came in with a couple of mods in mind, but as we have gotten comfortable with their standard of work and efficiency, our list has grown.
The big project is a framework for a permanent roof over the flying bridge. We drew up a new design for them in Rhino, our buddy Paul Fuchs fared it so the fabric would fit easily, and then then BA made patterns from our Rhino 3D drawing.
This is a shot of the pieces roughly tack welded together, after which the structure was lifted onto Wind Horse for fitting.
A week later, having returned from a brief Thanksgiving holiday, the new framework is in place.
For those of you old enough to recall playing on a “jungle gym” this will bring back fond memories (that is circumnavigator Chris Martin of Martin Engineering installing a new alarm horn.
The other part of this process is the canvas work.
Here we are working with Preston Lea of Carteret Canvas. Preston has just test fitted the enclosure for our “mud room”. This new protection for the entry way is made from EverClear acrylic panels glued to Stamoid fabric. The EverClear is longer lasting than the softer materials with which we are familiar and has excellent optical properties.
The entry way is now large enough to remove wet foul weather gear, shoes, and jackets, while staying dry in the process. Preston is also doing the fly bridge top and opening window.
We’ll have lots more photos in ten days when all of is fitted and its protective covering is removed.