We are starting to think about where to head next this summer. From this part of Norway (68 degrees north latitude) we could easily continue north and east to Russia, north two days to Svalbard, or east three days to Iceland. We could also head south and spend a leisurely couple of months in Scotland and maybe the west coast of Ireland.
All of these options are tempting. It would be cool to visit Russia and end up back in the Baltic. Iceland has been on the must see list for a long time. A short hop and we are ensconced in their lovely northern fiord region, with glaciers, hot springs, and volcanoes to tease the senses. Run the island counter clockwise and suddenly we are two days from the Prince Christian Channels of Greenland, at the right time of year. We’d love a second visit. Or a couple of days and we’re in the Shetland islands north of Scotland.
We’ve also got charts (and permits) on board for Svalbard, a group of islands between Greenland and Norway which start at 77 degrees north. This is as close to the pole as you can get by water, perhaps 80 degrees in a normal year (they put the end of the Gulf Stream to work keeping their west coast ice free in summer). Only 600 miles from the North Pole.
Svalbard presents ice, walrus, whales, possibly polar bears, unsurveyed anchorages, and a balmy temperature at or just above freezing. It also means keeping a careful ice watch (glacier and pack) underway and at anchor, carrying a weapon when ashore (for polar bear protection), and being very careful piloting in areas which are mainly unsurveyed.
You could also make a case for taking it easy, back in the British Isles. Short hops, charts with accurate data, and yachting infrastructure. But then there are lots of folks with the same idea.
Wind Horse does not force us to take any of the destinations off the table. She makes short work of the distances and times at sea. And this type of cruising is what Wind Horse was designed to do. If she imposed limitations on us deciding would be easier. But she doesn’t, forcing us to decide on our own.
We could leave for Iceland right now, or head south to the Shetlands during northerlies (which are common this time of year). Svalbard requires burning time in Norway as the beginning of July typically marks the beginning of the cruising “season”. This would allow further exploration of northern Norway, but then we have already been in this country almost six weeks.
So many choices…
June 9th, 2009 at 2:08 pm
If you are taking votes I would enjoy reading about a trip from the White Sea to the Baltic on the canal. Of course I enjoy reading about all your travels.
June 10th, 2009 at 10:53 am
If you are leaning towards urban areas, I would vote for the Baltic. So many great cities, but so rarely written about.
It is like traveling from my desk(don’t tell my boss).Great stuff. Keep it coming
June 11th, 2009 at 1:13 am
Suggest east coast of Norway and west coast of Sweden. Did them (from Bergen south) in 2005 on my Nordhavn 46, and found them lovely, nice harbors, rocky inlets, great people. Then we continued on through Denmark to Kiel, Germany, through the Kiel Canal, then across Holland on the standing mast route, from Delfzijl (on the Ems River) through Amsterdam to Vlissingen (Flushing) on the Scheldt. Fantastic experience, tying up to quay walls in canals, paying bridge tolls by dropping a euro into a wooden shoe hung from a stick. I think you’d be fine, even with your length. Missed Gota Canal across Sweden, then up to Finland, which I’m told is also super.
Andy Lund
ex Nordhavn 46-81 “Resolution”