Toucan, Sundeer 60

Steve: Are there two versions of the Sundeer 60, a shorter 56 and a longer 60? With a 60ft is this perhaps why the owner of TOUCAN moved the rudder further aft? Would it make sense to do it, i.e. would it improve control, say, downwind; are there any drawbacks? Have other 60’s done the same? I’d be interested in your thoughts; haven’t been able to speak with the owner. In advance, thanks…Peter

Hi Peter: The rudder was moved aft to make room for a bigger engine/prop on TOUCAN. It would help steering, but then we’ve never heard any reports of the normal rudder position being a problem in heavy going.

The hull was drawn at 60′–then shortened three feet to make the 57-footer (Sundeer 56).–Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

3 Responses to “Toucan, Sundeer 60”

  1. Scott Says:


    Go to Sundeer60 the website for AVALON. You will see pictures of the lazarette hatch to starboard, the rudder post top, and the cooking gas locker to port.

    My understanding is that on a Sundeer 56 (57) the three feet were removed from stern. All the Sundeers have the Dashew innovation of the swimstep aft, which is the best way to enter and exit the dinghy, and offload from the dinghy to the area.

  2. Jack Says:

    Wonder if the Sundeer 60 would make a good livaboard.

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello Jack:
    Re the Sundeer 60, there haev been many circumanvigations done with them which should answer your question.