UK to Baffin Island route plan

Hi Steve and Linda
I am interested in sailing to Baffin Island, from the UK, and around the Labrador sea area. Could you advise me as to where I can obtain charts and infomation for these areas so I can put together a route plan.
I have enjoyed reading about your journeys and it has inspired me to see for myself.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks in advance.

Howdy  Phill:

Check with the Canadian HO as they have paper and electronic charts as well as pilots. Keep in mind, however, that once you are north of Central Labrador the surveys are sparse and many anchorages and much of the coast is poorly charted. The Cruising Club of America also has a good guide to Labrador.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (March 1, 2010)

One Response to “UK to Baffin Island route plan”

  1. Matt Marsh Says:

    For reference, the Canadian Hydrographic Service site is at
    The overview charts for this area are:
    CHS does not sell directly to the public, but pretty much every port in the country has at least one dealer with a complete inventory of charts for that region. There are also six dealers in the UK who carry CHS charts; their contact info is on the CHS site.
    From what Steve and Linda have reported, it sounds like the Labrador coast is a wonderful and under-appreciated cruising ground- I’m hoping to get up there myself someday.