Water Flow Alarms


There are a couple of areas where it is important to know if water is flowing (or not flowing). On the FPB 64 these include raw water feed to the engine and through the damage control pump. The light grey device in the upper left hand corner is a vane type flow meter made by Aqua Alarm. A vane senses flow or lack thereof and triggers a micro switch that can be wired normally open or closed.

On the FPB 64 both of these alarms show up on the Maretron NMEA 2000 displays.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 5, 2010)

6 Responses to “Water Flow Alarms”

  1. Biff Says:

    “The light grey device in the upper right hand corner…”

    Did this photo get reversed? Because the only light grey device I see is in the upper left hand corner.

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Biff:
    Bad day for posts! Second typo in this one. It is the center LEFT device to which we are referring.

  3. Drew Says:

    I checked out the US Aqua Signal website and saw nothing but lighting products. Is that flow meter made by Aqua Alarm instead? Any information would be appreciated. -drew

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Drew:
    Typo! It should be Aquaalarm – https://www.aqualarm.net/store/comersus_listItems.asp?idCategory=67

  5. Drew Says:

    Have you used these alarms on your other boats? I always worried slightly that they could be a failure point from the standpoint of clogging or some such. Is there no way that they can stick and block flow themselves? Glad to hear that you are using them as it is quite a recommendation.

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Have used them on a number of our yachts going back ten years or so. Yes, they do introduce a potential leak point, but the advantage, in our opinion, outweighs the risk. And if a leak were to occur we assume we could deal with it.