We are due to leave Mexico at the beginning of April and spend the season sailing the Pacific Islands. From our reading and research we are unsure which weather and fax stations provide the best information for which areas. Is there is a source for this information or can you make recommendations? In addition we have heard that New Zealand and Fiji are newly co- operating on producing forecasts for cruisers and would like to know if this is correct, where the results are broadcast from, the schedules and the channels used for faxes and forecasts. Many thanks Dudley and Philippa
Hi Guys: We probably sailed right by you on our way to Panama. When you leave, the best charts will be from NMG in New Orleans (for Mexico coastline out a ways) and KVM in Honululu. As you get closer to the Marquesas KVM will be your best bet. Once in the S. Pacific ZKLF in Auckland will start coming in. As you get closer to Fiji you will get AXM in Australia. From Fiji it is usually best to work all three-the Kiwis, Aussies, and US, and then see what makes the most sense. For up to the minute data on the NZ/Fiji cooperation, I’d contact Bob McDaviit at mcdavitt@met.co.nz Have a good trip. Steve Dashew