Weather to the Mediterranean

Good Morning Steve and Linda: I try to read everything that either of you write and have ALL of the books. However, in sailing TIMING is everything as you know. Vicki and I have a 1998 Valiant 42 built for us in Texas. We have dear friends, Joe and Pam Harris from Durham. They have the Sundeer 60. We are to meet them in Crete in the Fall of 2003.

WHEN SHOULD I LEAVE FOR CRETE AND WHAT IS THE BEST ROUTE? I’m retiring in June of 2003 and will have a lot of time to get there. This might be a good article to look into as I’m probably not the only one to run across this problem. Any books that you recommend will be read. Thanks and keep up the good work–GURU–you’ve never let me down. Roy

Hi Roy: That’s a long trip, with lots of different weather patterns to traverse, so there are no pat answers. However, in the next few weeks SetSail will be announcing a new Navigation and Weather analysis software package, which will have the ability to read historic weather data (with data going back ten years being currently available). This would be the best bet we know of for planning. If you are on the SetSail e-mail list you’ll be notified when the new site is up for viewing. Otherwise, check over the next couple of weeks–it is close to being ready to go. Steve Dashew

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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