Which Boat to Buy?

Hello–My wife and I just sold a 41′ Cheoy Lee and we are looking for another boat (bigger). Somewhere around 50′- my wife wants a large owner’s stateroom. We also plan lots of offshore passagemaking. But our max to spend is around $150,000 so we can’t afford a Sundeer or any of the other boats you have built. But do you have any suggestions on a good safe offshore boat for us? Bill

Hi Bill: That is toughest question of all–there are so many options. First, I’d look for an older boat, one of the late CCA or early IOR designs. Next, a boat which needs cosmetic work that you can do yourself (which means the price will be a lot lower because most people can’t see beyond aesthetics). If the boat has been prepared for or has been cruising, so much the better as you’ll be getting a lot of needed gear at a huge discount. Finally, buy waterline first, second, and third–this is the most important factor for comfortable, fast (and safe) cruising. A funky looking but sound 50-footer is going to be a much better boat for cruising than a more modern tricked-out 40-footer with 8 -feet less waterline. Good luck in your hunt!

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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