Which “Production” Boat?

Hi there, I am currently going through the selection process of a boat for a three-year circumnavigation by way of the canals. Given a limited budget of £60,000 for a boat capable of sleeping four friends (as opposed to two couples!) I keep coming back to ex-charter Beneteaus, Jeanneaus and Bavarias. I have read your comments about the high centre of gravity etc. But if you had to select from one of these makes which model would you consider most suitable for cruising? Many thanks in advance for your reply. – Will

Hi Will: I would not select any of them. Rather, for your budget I’d buy an older, heavier, narrower, and longer design, which would have a more comfortable motion and be safer in heavy going. There would be less space in which to live, but that is one of the trade-offs with which you are faced.

Having said this, there are people who make successful voyages in all sorts of boats. The skill of the crew in handling the boat in heavy weather is equal to or more important than the design. Good luck with whatever you do! – Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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