Wicked Testing Cycle Complete

Wicked Testing Cycle Finish 1

From some of the most difficult uphill conditions we have ever seen to extremely powerful rain squalls, the past 52 hours have afforded us a wide array of conditions. The uphill sea states previously discussed gave us valuable insight into hull shape optimization for minimizing discomfort, and while we have an excellent handle on this with Wind Horse, the FPB 64s, and the Wicked FPB 97, we are always looking for ways to improve.

The extreme rain shown in the lead photo, so heavy it flattened the seas, exposed a couple of deficiencies in our entry way design about which we were not aware. A few small mods will take care of this.

Wicked Testing Cycle Finish 2

Wind Horse is now anchored off the northwest corner of Grand Bahama Island. She has a generous foot (30cm) of water under her deeper parts at half tide, while we process the past few days, and think about the future. The performance data accumulated has allowed us to fine tune a beta software package which promises major benefits with our design cycle. With this in hand, and the other testing complete we find it necessary to face up to an untenable truth: the time has come to find a new guardian for Wind Horse.

We do not take this step lightly, but the very success of the past few days, hastens the decision.

Wicked Testing Cycle Finish 3

We’ll have details on the availability of Wind Horse online within the next few weeks.  For now, from Grand Bahama Island the crew of Wind Horse bids you adieu.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (December 9, 2012)

8 Responses to “Wicked Testing Cycle Complete”

  1. Ward Says:

    “but the very success of the past few days, hastens the decision.”

    Makes me wonder if the experienced future owners of the Wicked FPB might be very very close at hand…

  2. Hunter L. Says:

    I have always been so astonished with your designs and the safety measures that you have incorporated… It’s weird to have mixed emotions as far as the excitement of you moving on to something new (and I have only followed this site and your cruises since the shift to power), as well as the fact that I am somewhat saddened to see the movement. Everyone feels so bonded to their boat, from the 30′ inland boat to the 83′ world cruising vessel, there is a deep involvement. I’m not sure anyone can ever give the boat the honors that the two of you (along with countless others) have, but I certainly do wish I was in a position to carry the legacy on… I can honestly say that I would feel honored. May the next owner of her cherish her as much as the Dashew family! I look forward to the future posts along with the future advancements for all of us who look up to the two of you and what you have done for the power boating community…

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks for the kind words, Hunter:
    We did not make this decision easily. And while we expect things to happen quickly, one never knows. It could be we’ll have the pleasure of Wind Horse’s company for some time to come.

  4. i am bill Says:

    I trust for you both, that the cliche does not apply – that your last day with Wind Horse will not be the happiest.

    We all look forward to hearing what you have planned next.

  5. Jonathan Says:

    I’ll buy a lottery ticket…

  6. Mark Hoelscher Says:

    Steve and Linda- If you need a guardian, a caretaker, or even a best friend for Wind Horse- I’m your man. Just want to be the first to publically put my name in the hat.
    If you’re needing a new owner, like Jonathan above, I should keep to my Power Ball plans.
    Fair winds, smooth seas and congradulations on your next chapter. The Wind Horse Years have fostered dreams among your readers that we could not have imagined without you two.

  7. Alex F Says:

    Hi Steve, Linda … That’s a bold move. But I am sure you will find a great care-taker for Windhorse. And I just wish you every success on your next move !
    Best Regards, Alex

  8. Marinus Scherpenisse Says:

    Dear Sir, Steve,

    With great pleasure i am following your blogs. and i admire the designs you make..
    Maybe here is something you could use as wel: the Damen Sea Axe Bow, with this the ride is soften a lot they say..
    I don’t now if there are any patents involved, but you can ask.

    All the best!

    With regards,

    Rotterdam – Holland