Wind Horse Italian magazine review


For those of you who readItalian, click here for a new review in the magazine Y&S Yacht & Sail.

Posted by Sarah.Dashew  (October 5, 2009)

2 Responses to “Wind Horse Italian magazine review”

  1. Larry Says:

    Hello Dashews,

    I don’t speak Italian but thanks to Google translate I see that you have plans to visit the eastern seaboard of the US. I have been following your travels for some time now and I would love to lay my eyes on Wind Horse in person. Please let me know if you will be in the New York area as it would be a treat to meet you both and Wind Horse.

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Larry:
    There are no firm plans yet for next summer. Keep an eye on for where we are headed. Todd Rickard ( can keep you posted as well.