Wind Horse Monitor Glare Shield


One of the things that has long been overdue onboard Wind Horse is a glare shield for the three navigation monitors. Working with Greg Kelchner in Fort Lauderdale we fashioned a variety of mock ups from thin plywood.


We found that five inches / 125mm  of  overhang to be ideal. The finished product  is bent up from 1/4″ / 6mm Lexan plastic. There are a row of one inch / 25mm vent holes across the back.


In this final photo the sun  is ahead, glaring on the deck and awnings. Normally the monitors would be difficult to impossible to  see in this light. They are now much more useful.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 2, 2011)

2 Responses to “Wind Horse Monitor Glare Shield”

  1. Richard O Says:

    Steve – As you do, we use commercial computer (NEC) monitors in our pilothouse. Their performance is generally outstanding and their cost perhaps 10% of a marine alternative.

    I don’t tend to have the washing-out problem you’ve addressed with your glare shield because of their mounting location but the one strong negative I’ve experienced with my monitors is the inability to dim them sufficiently for really effective night vision.

    I’ve seen examples of tinted plexiglass panels to place over the monitors and will probably try one. But I was wondering what you’ve experienced and, if you have the same issue, how you’ve addressed.



  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Richard:
    The Samsungs we have dim enough between the software control and monitor dimming. But in some situations we place a film over them. Also, using excessive angle makes the image dimmer.