We are happy to report Wind Horse is well rested after sitting in one location the last four months. Her systems are all operational, at least to the extent we can discern tied to a dock.
We have tested pumps, air conditioning, fridge and freezers, winches, genset, and engines. The only glitch was with the Kabola diesel boiler wherein your humble correspondent forgot to turn on the fuel supply valve. We think that with 50,000+ miles now under her keel and entering her seventh cruising season, an outcome of this type is to be appreciated.
Our first two nights aboard dinner came out of the freezer. In the first instance this was venison blueberry sausage from the UK circa 2009 (hurray for our little vacuum packer). In the second, delicious Spanish ham with eggs.
We have the diesel fuel injection pumps at Everglades Diesel being overhauled (that is the well recommended Charlie pulling the starboard injection pump). This is a little early in hours, but as they are being derated (more on this later) and were already at the shop, a form of preventive maintenance. Likewise the pencil fuel injectors have been replaced.
Speaking of which, if you have ever wondered how to put a crow foot socket to work take a look at the fuel injector return line above. We have both metric and SAE sets, maybe $25.00 worth, without which the injectors would still be in place.
Pencil injectors normally pop right out when disconnected. But the aft injector on the starboard engine was recalcitrant, and required a combination of Charlie’s and our pry bars.
Between a few chores, and work on the 112, time has been short. The next few days we need to concentrate on provisioning, finishing our systems checks, and making a few preparations for a haul out when we return from the Bahamas early June. So, updates on SetSail may be sparse the next couple of weeks. We hope you will bear with us.
April 13th, 2011 at 12:55 pm
Hello Linda & Steve,
We hope you will bear with us????? I’m sitting on my desk working, you guys hear me, working. While you take you lovely boat for a cruise to the Bahamas?
I’m surely not alone when I say I need my daily dose of setsail.com – let’s hope the sat-data-link is working, no slacking off here, work, work, work…., update, update, update.
Just kidding, I hope you’re having a great time.
Jealously from the UK, Stefan
April 14th, 2011 at 3:21 am
Hi Stefan:
For the record, this past week we have not been to bed before coaches turn into pumpkins and we are back at it by 0430. It is a good thing the “todo” list on Wind Horse is short since our time has been going into projects for others. Before you start feeling sorry, note that the weather is somewhat different here than in the UK, the sky blue or filled with lovely cumulus clouds, and shortly we will move the office to even nicer surroundings.
There is an answer if you are envious…