World Storm Patterns

Hi, I am enjoying reading our book “Surviving the Storm”. I know you could not cover all the topics, and I have not read the whole book yet, but I could not find data or reference to world storm patterns. If one was chicken, and wanted to avoid category two and three heavy weather storms (page 16), what cruising routes could be planned, and where not to be at what time of year? I recall some published charts that show wind direction and speed at various locations. What about information on routes and the best time of the year to avoid bad storms. Could you name a few good sources for me. I get the hint that New Zealand is risky at best. If I missed this information in your book, please let me know where it is located. Thanks, Mike

Hi Mike: There are no hard and fast rules about avoiding storm seasons and/or areas. The weather varies too much from year to year. The pilot charts and sailing directions will give you a general idea for planning, but you need to check out the pattern in the time period in which you are sailing.

You can do this by talking with local forecasters during the time frame you are getting ready to leave, or with some of the commercial routers who are also in this business. Or, get up to speed on the weather forecasting process yourself and keep an eye on what’s happening on the internet for a couple of months before it is time to take off.

Check out the weather links on SetSail–they are a good start. Regards–Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 4, 2001)

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