‘air’ deck switch/electric winch

Hello, I need a replacement switch for the Lewmar electric winch, air activated. Lewmar says they don’t make them anymore. Any ideas where to locate one?
Wayne Simmons

Hi Wayne:

You might check with pool supply companies as they used to be used for spa control. But there are reliability problems which may be why Lewmar got out of supplying them.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (January 13, 2010)

2 Responses to “‘air’ deck switch/electric winch”

  1. Wayne Simmons Says:

    Hello Steve,
    thanks for the feedback on Lewmar deck switch. I found out that there is a small hole on the underside of the switch which can become clogged. Some seizing wire seems to have fixed the problem.

    New question: Our mizzen vang on our Sundeer 64′ started leaking a litle hydraulic fluid. Another crew member had sheeted down the boom pretty hard. I assume that this could not cause the leak, and am considering a rebuild of the vang in Martinique. Any comment on how to determine whether rebuild is necessary?
    Thanks, we love our Sundeer and have logged over 10,000 miles on her now. bought her at Berthon.

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Wayne:
    I doubt oversheeting caused the leak. Probably old age. Not sure what to suggest about rebuilding, except to check with the folks around the waterfront.