FPB 64 Owner’s Manual – Steering and Autopilot Operation


The combination of a large rudder, powerful autopilots, and 40+ degree rudder deflection makes possible maneuvering in extremely tight quarters with an unusual degree of ease. These same characteristics pay dividends offshore in extreme weather. They also help with comfort.

This chapter of the FPB64 Owner’s Manual gets into the detail of using the autopilot system. Click here to download the PDF.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 23, 2010)

One Response to “FPB 64 Owner’s Manual – Steering and Autopilot Operation”

  1. Ward Says:

    It’s fascinating to “watch” the ARC on the Yellobrick website. I refresh every hour, just in case there’s an update, and I turn on or off different groups to see how you’re doing relative to Steinlager and Berenice, and also how Moonshadow’s doing.