FPB 64-3 Iron Lady Sea Trial Video #1

64 3 trial 1 video

We have been studying the motion of FPB64-3, Iron Lady, with an eye on what we are doing with the FPB 112. The difference uphill, between this and the previous 64s which do not have the swim step extension gives us some wonderful data. We shall shortly see how this works for ourselves, but for now we have to be content with video.

Thinking you might like to share we have posted five minutes here. This takes place in a tidal area so there are lots of steep waves in which to play. Throughout the video Iron Lady is running at 10/10.5 knots.

We are very pleased with what we are seeing, as is the owner who has done quite a few upwind miles on Wind Horse, so he has a benchmark with which to compare.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (March 17, 2011)

6 Responses to “FPB 64-3 Iron Lady Sea Trial Video #1”

  1. Pedro Says:

    Hi, Why this 64 have only 1 vent on the front deck and the previous one 4 ?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Pedro:
    Owner’s decision, with which we agree, to reduce the number of Dorade vents forward.

  3. Justin Murphy Says:

    Steve, the video seems to be wrongly titled (as an Avatar sea trial) on the smugmug site. It looks great, but as the guy on the video says, as the boats’ sea-behaviour gets better, the videos get more boring. I guess you can’t have everything.

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Justin:
    It is now corrected – thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  5. Karl Mattson Says:

    ouch! use a windscreen on that mic… 🙂

    what an amazing boat.

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hard to fit a windscreen to an IPhone,Karl:
    What is really amazing is t he video quality (we agree on the boat).