There Is Usually Something Worthwhile If You Just Look For It

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We were visiting with family last week in Los Angeles. We love our family, but dislike LA intensely. It is too crowded, smoggy, ugly, and noisy for our tastes. And did we mention the traffic? But this lovely blue heron, and the photos that follow, were taken in the heart of downtown LA, along the banks (concrete though they be) of the Los Angeles “river”. A reminder that, even in destinations we dislike, but have to venture through, if one but looks there are almost always redeeming features.

Google Earth LA River

To put this in context, here is a Google Earth image of the “riparian” area in which these were taken. When someone mentioned the Los Angeles River in the past, the image of the car race at the end of the movie “Grease” would come to mind.

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Now we know better.

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Finally, this is a lovely place for a walk, assuming you wear ear plugs – there is a busy freeway next to the river.

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But if you bring your dog, make sure it brings some bling. This is, afterall, LA.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 24, 2012)

One Response to “There Is Usually Something Worthwhile If You Just Look For It”

  1. Alain M Says:

    It seems Mother Nature take his toll back as soon human foot print is less heavy…
    Nice !!!