Wicked FPB 97 – Finalizing the Exterior Proportions

FPB 971B a007

There are numerous structural considerations impacting what can and cannot be done with the exterior shape of a design like the FPB 97. The structural requirements of the window mullions, for example, have an enormous impact on the interior and exterior appearance. So too, the connection of the mullions to the roof structure above and coamings below. The deck framing, sole, and roof support systems are other areas that control aesthetic fate. On the other hand, you cannot start the structural engineering, until you have a pretty good idea of the design. But how do you figure out the design if you don’t know the structural requirements? This is like one of those notes that pops up in a spreadsheet program when you’re building formulae that says “circular reference”.

Our approach to this conundrum is based on the WAG principle.

FPB 971B a000

We make an educated (Wild Ass) guess at the key structural elements, insofar as their size and shape, hopefully with sufficient fudge factor so that when the detailed engineering establishes the actual requirements, these are within the scope of our allowances.

FPB 971B a001

That process is now far enough along that the basic framing plan, hull to deck allowances, Great Room coamings, and window mullion/roof structure have been roughly established. We are pleased to report that the engineered numbers are inside of our WAG assumptions.

FPB 971B a002

The original aesthetic design had allowances in it to make sure we’d not lose aesthetic ground to structure. We’ve now been able to fine-tune things a bit, taking back a bit of the excess structural allowances, the results of which you see here.

FPB 971B a003

The differences are small dimensionally, but we think they help the look of the boat.

FPB 971B a004

We think the stern is particularly cool looking.

FPB 971B a005

The view of the aft quarter, not usually our best angle, is a little more svelte.

FPB 971B a006

The renderings are all generated using a 50mm lens set at 2 meters /6.5 feet off the water, or about where you would be standing in a large dinghy.

Let’s say you are anchored in the Tuomotus, low-lying atolls in the South Pacific, and climb a coconut tree (or mast of a nearby neighbor) for a better view. The next series are what you would see from a 15 meter/50 foot camera height.

FPB 971B a000

Of course, while you are up that tree, you might as well pick a couple of nice coconuts.

FPB 971B a001

And on the way back to the boat, we’ll hook up with a grouper for dinner (since the locals have assured us ciguatera poisoning is not a problem here).

FPB 971B a002

Of course, having come from the Marquesas Islands, there are still oranges, pamplemousse, and limes aboard.

FPB 971B a003

Let’s see, what can we do with the limes, a fresh coconut, and the fish? How about a plate of poisson cru (and if you don”t know what this is we’ll leave it to Google). Take our word for it, there is nothing like sitting at anchor in beautiful warm, clear, water, a gentle trade wind blowing, watching for the green flash as the sun sets, while eating fresh poisson cru.

FPB 971B a004

Now a test: given the scenario just posited, what is wrong with these images?

FPB 971B a005

After a long hard day at anchor, a swim before dinner would feel good.

FPB 971B c004

FPB 971B c003

FPB 971B c001

FPB 971B c000

Stay tuned. We’ll soon have a high res version of these images online.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 4, 2012)

10 Responses to “Wicked FPB 97 – Finalizing the Exterior Proportions”

  1. Matt Marsh Says:

    “…given the scenario just posited, what is wrong with these images?”

    Well, Steve, I’m going to guess you wouldn’t be getting a green flash in the same meal sitting at which you have the close-to-noon shadows shown. But hey, if it’s good fish, good wine and there’s good company to share it with, why not stretch out lunch all the way to dinner hour?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Good try, Matt, but not what I had in mind.

  3. Steve B Says:

    Well, apart from the unhappy fact that I’m not there, it would have been good to drop the anchor before climbing the tree.
    Cheers, Steve B

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Related, Steve, and an error in choice of layers (there are a lot of different layers within this 3D model!), but not the answer. Hint, answer relates to one of the differences between the Tuamotus and the Marquesas Islands.

  5. James Masters Says:

    Re “what’s wrong”: Is it that the water in the Tuamotus is darker because of its depth relative to the Marquesas…?

  6. James Masters Says:

    … vice-versa.

  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    Depends on where you are anchored, James:
    A lot of the atoll anchorages are indeed deep, often 50 feet/15meters or more. But there are also shallow spots, and if you have a five foot draft, you will have some wonderful options.

  8. James Masters Says:

    … aren’t these pics from the “dinghy launch+recovery”-pics in the thin-water of the Bahamas…?

  9. Steve Dashew Says:


  10. James Masters Says:

    i am so dazzled by how this hull looks like the “hull” of a dolphin. This hull’s shallow-draft is so beautiful — and with its fine/narrow, wave-piercing entry, i get the rich experience of it “glide-sliding” thru the water.

    Frank Lloyd Wright (like the rest of us, lol) would absolutely find any/all of these wickedly-brilliant FPBs completely irresistable…. There would be such mutual-respect.