About SetSail

SetSail started life in 1997 as a simple website to share a few ideas with cruising friends. Then several bluewater veterans asked to join the fun. Before we knew it we had a fleet of half a dozen reporters chiming in from around the world and were getting a couple million hits a month.

The band width and administration grew accordingly, to the point where it was starting to interfere with cruising, exploring new frontiers, and family responsibilities. This is, after all, supposed to be fun!

With that in mind, we’ve changed the structure of SetSail so that we can continue to cruise and share what we are learning and experiencing with SetSailors. We’ve imported all our old articles into this WordPress blog, which will make it easier for us to post articles while we’re out cruising. The search engine and navigation will make it easier to find the specific articles you’re looking for. And when we get the time, we’re going to tag a bunch of our articles so that you can navigate by topic as well. Plus quite a few more new features for the website are on the horizon.

Many of you have been travelling online with us for the past 12 years. We welcome you aboard for the next leg of the journey!

– Steve and Linda

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 1, 2006)

5 Responses to “About SetSail”

  1. Steve Kraus Says:

    Your Aril ’06 background picture among the ice is most invitin, especially right now.
    You and Linda look great!
    You see, I am in Ojai–it was 102 f. today.
    Remember Ojai?
    Best, Steve and Roz Kraus

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    We had lunch at Ruben’s today.

  3. Scott Says:

    And may I say, you have done a damn fine job of this website, my favourite, and
    more importantly, of life, you have managed to find somethhing you both love and have turned it into a dream.

    well done Linda and Steve.

  4. Max Says:

    Your “About us,” is exceptionally brief. Tell us about your learning naval architecture. Are you self-taught or is your learning formal? If so, which school did you go to, etc? How about doing individual bios FPB site?

  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Max:
    Good suggestion. We’ll do some bio material when time permits.