FPB 78 Series Construction Update June 20, 2014

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The first of the FPB 78 series now has all of its bottom plate in place, a major milestone.

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A beautifully fair plating job. Minimum bottom thickness throughout the bottom of the hull, to within two meters of the stern, is 12mm (1/2”) going up to as thick as 24mm (one inch) in the grounding flat down the centerline.

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One of the last pieces of the bottom. We know of no other yard that can “wheel” this complex shape into a piece of plate this thick.

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Last piece of the bottom going on.

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Now several interior details. Looking here at the great room sole support. The notch out on the left is for the stairs between decks.

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Although the deck opening is engineered as if it were unreinforced the framing system acts as a deck web to add extra stiffness to the opening.

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A detail shot of the great room sole supporting system.

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A sign of rapid progress on the FPB 78-1. The masts are being assembled onto the Matrix deck.

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And here the start of the deck assembly for the second FPB 78.

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Moving to the carpentry shop the master bunk base is almost ready for finish work.

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Finally the drawer stack which goes at the foot of the bunk in the forward suite.

Next week we will bring you up to date on FPB 97-1 and 64-10 as they near launch date.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (June 20, 2014)

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