FPB 78-1 Trials: First BBQ, 3.1416, And Other Items

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FPB 78-1 Cochise stern to stern with FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel.

This does give you a sense of scale.

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FPB 78-3 owner Pete Rossin shows the less experienced FPBers how to break in a new BBQ.

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If the understudy has paid attention there is hope for the future.

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Meanwhile Sarah creating a sensational first 3.1416.

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A picture is worth a thousand calories.

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First dinner aboard Cochise.

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Sea trials get started in earnest in the next few days.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 5, 2016)

15 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Trials: First BBQ, 3.1416, And Other Items”

  1. PJ Says:

    Why are solar panels not on the Matrix roof??

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Too much weight up too high, PJ:

  3. PJ Says:

    I probably missed it though I’ve read hundreds of posts on this site; what is the approximate weight of the Matrix roof solar array?

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello PJ:
    The solars are integrated into the overall structure of the roof, so it is hard to differentiate the weights. However, there is very little extra weight other than the solar panels themselves,

  5. RobS Says:

    Have you considered any of the lightweight fabric flexible solar panels eg http://www.ecoboats.com.au/solbianflex/solar_panels.php
    1.5kg for 100W of high efficiency panels so 15kg per additional Kw of capacity which compares very favorably with the Sunpower panels I believe you are using which are 18.6Kg for 320W or 55.8kg per Kw.

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Rob:
    This is the second reference to Solban panels. We will check them out.

  7. Radu Says:

    Do you think that flexible solar panels would be a good compromise?


    78 is an amazing project by the way 🙂

  8. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello Radu:
    The flex solars we have seen to date are lower in efficiency, typically 14%, than the best solid panels. It comes down to surface area and weight, cost of course, and the panel efficiency.

  9. Shannon Says:

    What material is the underneath of the roof overhang made of and are you worried about having the grill directly below it? Will it adsorb or collect the smoke from the grill?

    Those steaks and that pie do look yummy.

  10. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello Shannon:
    The headliner fabric to which you refer is a special noise attenuation material, which is designed to operate in hostile environments.

  11. Gene Says:

    Is it just me…or does each iteration of the FPB seem to get closer and closer to the height and volume typical of your basic trawler yacht? Not anywhere near there yet of course…but they do seem to be moving in that direction =)

  12. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Gene:
    Gasp, you’ve hit us where it hurts! The FPB 78 has similar freeboard and structure height as the FPB 97, but then there is less length to carry it off visualy. That said, I can assure you we are not going to join the fat boat society, ever!

  13. James Masters Says:

    Hi, Steve,

    Thanks for taking a moment to answer these two quick-questions:

    In the last-pic above (a beauty, by the way), working from stern to bow:

    1- Re the shade-panel covering the starboard-side of the ab-rib (with another one shading the port-side of the wherry) — are those shade-panels each ingeniously on a roller (like, pull-down window-shades) attached permanently to each underside of the aft-deck roof, with the end-straps with their attached-rods then-inserted into holes drilled into the top of each of the swing-in/-out davits …? Is that how those shades work?


    2- What are those little (vertically-about-3-4inches) white things on either side of the forward solar-panels aft of the green/red running-lights…?

    (and, if you have a chance, please say hi to Pete for me — looks like he lost some weight, at least before that incredible 3.1416, lol)

    Thanks, again, given all that’s on your work-plate. (Your dinner-plate looked pretty-full, too!)

  14. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi James:
    Nothing fancy about the aft side awnings. They roll up by hand around their end batten and are secured in place with a bit of light stuff.

  15. Pam Wall Says:

    How fabulous! Looks wonderful, even made me hungry! My very best to you all! Great photos!