It Is Time

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It has been a wet and windy winter for FPB 78-1 Cochise and her Kiwi boat builders at Circa. Perfect for sea trials.

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But now, with 200+ hours on the engines and the days getting longer, we have been thinking of flight.

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The much debated question of where-to has been resolved.


A morning sky like this means one thing: high pressure.

New Zealand customs have done their export inspection and we have our clearance. There are a couple of items left on the to-do list, a trip to the grocery store, and Cochise, now sitting down on her lines for the first time, is ready to fly.

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Assuming the weather stays true to the predictions – three different models are in agreement – we are off for the tropics.

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The frontal passage has occurred as promised, clearly signaled by this lovely band of color. The southeast winds are building seas. The leading edge of a high pressure system, and the surfing it promises, is just too big a temptation to miss.

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We’ll be turning left at Breem Head and heading to Fiji.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (August 29, 2016)

12 Responses to “It Is Time”

  1. Shannon Says:

    Safe Trip!

    Looking forward to reading and seeing details of the voyage.

  2. David Guest Says:

    Bon Voyage!!!!!!

  3. Aaron Says:

    I have to ask, since it was winter down there and all, how many hours on the genset to go with those 200+ hours on the engines?

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Aaron:
    Now that we are cruising genset hours are in the five to seven a week range. We expect this to drop a little as we fine tune our power consumption.

  5. Passerby Says:

    I’d offer a “Fair Winds and Following Seas” but how about “Reasonably challenging conditions which demonstrate the soundness of the design” Followed by a nice anchorage, good weather, and appropriate beverages.

  6. MikeB Says:

    Fair Winds!

  7. Wayne Parsons Says:

    She looks wonderful…..have a safe and pleasant passage.

  8. Pam Wall Says:

    Have a Fabulous Time! So wonderful! Safe Passage!

  9. Jono frankfort Says:

    GOOD LUCK! Can’t wait for your next update.
    Stay safe,

  10. Shannon Says:

    I know it will be too late for this voyage. But we love the video’s.
    – May I suggest the Samsung 360 video camera?
    You can place it on the dashboard in the salon or matrix deck and get 360 degree video so we can see BOTH the wave & weather outside and the ambiance inside all at the same time.

    How many days do you calculate for the passage to Fiji?

  11. Eric Says:

    Have a great trip! Enjoy the surfing to Fiji. Can’t wait to see the videos. And the speed!

  12. Greg Says:

    Most people go to Fiji to surf and don’t get the pleasure of surfing their way there..