We like squeezing into and out of tight places, and the fuel dock in Uturoa is high on the fun-factor scale.
Squeezing the last drop of fuel into the tanks was the order of the day. Although we have a large margin over what is needed, we still want as much fuel aboard as we can carry.
The convenience store attached to the fuel dock had an assortment of beefy trolling gear. We now have two very cool meat lines. Starting with 600 pound monofilament. We shall see how this investment works.
The evening sky. Change in the weather is coming.
And this morning we are raring to go…
Posted by Steve Dashew (October 21, 2016)
October 21st, 2016 at 2:11 pm
That should put you in Panama about Nov. 7th or 8th then? Not counting any stops. Safe travels.
October 21st, 2016 at 10:23 pm
Safe and uneventful transit!
October 23rd, 2016 at 12:34 pm
Happy motoring!
Best from D & D