We are threading our way through the Tuamotus and giving the Simrad Halo radar a workout. Both Steve Parsons and your humble correspondent have been highly critical of the Halo radar and its performance with difficult targets, like breaking reefs. But it has gotten better with recently installed upgrades.
What you are looking at in the lead photo are two sets of radar settings. Right is custom, left is full auto.
Switching to night mode here, with custom still right and left as a radar overlay on the digital chart. When we departed Raiatea the sky promised a change in the weather. That has been fulfilled, with squalls and overcast. And a bit of breeze on the nose.
You can see some of the data we monitor on the Mareteron N2K system above. Running right now at about 10.3 knots we are using 8.7 gallons an hour, or about .844 gallons/3.2 liters per nautical mile. Considering we are at full load, running at a speed length ratio of 1.13, we are not displeased.
There is a large ground swell keeping us company. It looks to be four-to-six meters on a 20 second period, which makes for interesting wave photos. The shots above and below are of Huahine as we passed by yesterday.
We are quickly getting back into a seagoing rhythm. Whether or not this post makes it out depends on the French telecom industry and if we can pick up a 3G signal. [Admin note: Apparently cell coverage is good around the Tuamotus — the post made it through.]
Yes, we have a lot of sunset and sunrise photos. We like this time of day a lot. We figured you might too.
Barely 4000NM to go, we are almost there.
October 24th, 2016 at 3:18 pm
1. forgive my inexperience with diesel engines but, given the close readings in the other variables why the .5gal/hr diff in fuel consumption between the two engines?
2. I assume the passing within eyesight of the islands was to pick up the cell signal for communication as opposed to going around them?
Safe travels!
October 25th, 2016 at 9:09 am
Hi Michael:
Cell reception is the reason and the French Vini system seems to be almost everywhere. Engine loads vary with alternator and hydraulic loads and how they are shared .
October 25th, 2016 at 5:50 am
Gotta Love It “Barely 4000NM to go, we are almost there.” The photos are as stunning as always. Fair Winds & Tight Lines – if you have the lures out @ 10 knots, that is.
October 25th, 2016 at 10:56 am
Only 4,000 miles to go. lol Love it. I saw the ambient engine room temp & that got me wondering exactly where you draw the air from to feed the engines? Do you draw air from the engine room & vent the engine room to outside air? Do you pipe the air in? Do you, or could you draw fresh air through the cabin before feeding the engines? Two diesels turning at 1,500 to 1,600 RPM could draw lots of fresh air through the cabin.
Anyways, just wondering. I Always think about exhaust but never really thought about how the air gets into the engines.
Have a safe voyage. By my calculations you will get there in about 16 days. Most impressive.