Bow thruster

Hi y’all!

I can’t see a bow thruster on your boat. Don’t you have one or do you have a retractable?
If you don’t have one, why?

There is no thruster on Wind Horse. With twin engines this is not required. The FPB64 does have a bow thruster (fixed).

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 21, 2009)

2 Responses to “Bow thruster”

  1. David Smyth Says:

    I bet the fact your boat tapers toward the bow AND stern helps in docking situations where others with more winnebago-like lines might need one, don’t you think?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi David:
    The shape of the canoe body does help maneuverability. Also helping is the huge rudder and 40 degree angle of attack.