Linda & Steve, In your recent article on the new passage planning software (I hope to see more on this later) you made a comment regarding downloading weather forecast data during your passage. What method do you use to access internet at sea?? Regards, Mark
Beowulf Logs
Read all about Steve & Linda Dashew’s adventures on Beowulf, their 78-foot bare-aluminum ketch. The logs run from 1999 through 2002.
It’s the Maine Thing…
We’ve used slab reefing on our mains (and mizzens) on all of our boats going back to the 1970s. We’ve looked at in the mast and in the boom systems as they’ve come along and worked out their bugs, but have yet to see anything as fast, reliable, light, or inexpensive as good old slab reefing.
Cruising in Maine
All Things Being Equal (Batteries)
As we’re cruising on the East Coast and occasionally reading the New York Times, we feel it behooves us to be politically correct. We are already at a disadvantage in this regard due to the fact we have no burgee halyards to either masthead, and so cannot fly our owner’s signal or yacht club pennant correctly. The situation is made worse by the fact that in the land of Hinkleys we have neither varnish on deck, overhangs fore and aft, nor polished blue topsides.
We woke up this morning pondering this problem when Linda had an epiphany. “We’ll equalize the batteries! It’s been three months, they are overdue, and there are bound to be one or two cells lower than the rest, which has to be depressing for the poor dears.”
So, we’ve been sitting in this lovely anchorage in Somes Sound, with the smells of the verdant forest wafting around us on deck, and the smells of batteries being equalized wafting below. We started the process this morning at 0900, and should be done by 1300.
Drying Clothes on the Boat
To all you SetSailors who are into washer/dryers on your boats, we’ve got an update on our ventless dryer.
Headed to Maine
Martha’s Vineyard
Some of This Stuff Really Works!
We’re anchored in Newport, Rhode Island, to say hi to some friends and take care of some business. A pleasant couple of sails and anchorages have allowed leisure time to review a couple of the things we’ve been testing, and the results are positive.
Globalstar Phone System
Roller Furling

It took a long time for us to become fans of roller furling. However, starting with Beowulf, the combination of the size and weight of her sails, and the increasing reluctance to get salt water on our bodies, forced us to take a harder look at this gear.
Spending Priorities
Communications in the 21st Century – A Benefit or a Curse?
Abeam the Chesapeake Bay Bridge
Bermuda to Chesapeake: Exiting the Gulf Stream
Bermuda to Chesapeake: Racing the Front
Bermuda to Chesapeake Passage: Reevaluating Weather Tactics with Surprising Forecast
Bermuda to Chesapeake: Storm Covers on Hatches & Ready to Go
Clear of the Bermudan Reefs
Sailing from Bermuda to Chesapeake: The Weather Puzzle
Unforecast Weather in Bermuda Teaches 3 Valuable Lessons
Storm-Bound in Bermuda
Snugged Down at Anchor in Bermuda
Weather Risk Assessment 120 Miles from Bermuda
Approaching Bermuda: Boat Speed Is Our Friend
Sailing to Bermuda: Weather Sources
Best Approach to Bermuda, Testing New Gyro
Caribbean Passage: Towards Bermuda or Chesapeake?
Caribbean to Bermuda Passage: Motorsailing Towards Center of Squall Line
Caribbean to Bermuda: Gulf Stream Weather Factors
Caribbean to Bermuda: Approaching Boundary of Gulf Stream Front
Quick Stop in Marigot, St. Martin
Antigua-Norfolk: Avoiding Severe Weather
Antigua to Norfolk: Preparing for Passage
Mari Cha Breaks Beowulf’s Guadaloupe-Antigua Race Record
Environmental Impact of Cruising Lifestyle
Lost Containers and Other Risks at Sea
Spare Parts to Carry On Board
Replacing our EPIRB
Parachute Anchor Controversy
Explorer Parking Technique
A Magazine for Weather Junkies
Cost of Cruising
Lessons from Racing
Leaving the Boat
Leaky Chainplates
Cruising in the Fast Lane
Getting There: Reflections on Passages vs. Arrivals
Cruising Like the Old Days
Caribbean Sailing: Winter Trades Arrive and Pressure is Building
Thanksgiving on St. Martin
Caribbean 1500 Epilogue
British Virgin Islands Before the Crowds
Chesapeake to Caribbean: Arrival in Virgin Gorda with New Record
Beowulf in Caribbean 1500: Wind Dies in Center of High
Chesapeake to Caribbean: Beowulf’s Nicest Passage Ever?
Chesapeake to Caribbean Seamanship Tactics: Hitting the Corners
Chesapeake to Caribbean Passage: Where Are the Northeast Trades?
Weather Tactics in Caribbean 1500 Rally
Tradewind Sailing in Caribbean 1500
Chesapeake to Caribbean Seamanship Tactics: Angle is Everything!
Chesapeake to Caribbean Passage: Last-Minute Preparations
Weather Watch: Preparing to Return to the Caribbean
The Mother of All O-Ring Battles
Tips for Working with Marine Contractors
Seagoing Washing Machines
Probably the most critical piece of cruising gear, the one which we cannot do without, is the washing machine. (Okay, Steve would do without, but Linda is much more civilized.)
For years we’ve used the Spendide washer/drier combo on various boats we’ve built. The unit on Beowulf has 28,000 miles on it. Since the motion at sea is even harder on the innards than anything which happens in actual washing, it has finally been starting to show its age.