Having grown up in Southern California, with a sailing and surfing background, riding the waves a natural part of being in or on the water. Our sailing and FPB designs have reflected this from the beginning. Recently we were surprised to learn that some of our owners are afraid of what is actually. one of the best things you can do with our yachts. Read the rest »
FPB-83 Videos
Videos from New Zealand to Greenland, with a series of heavy weather examples.
FPB Greenland Cruise
Following on the success of their Antarctic cruise in company, FPB78s Iron Lady ll and Grey Wolf ll are going to do another jaunt to the ice summer of 2020, this time to nearby Greenland. Several other FPBs are planning to join, so this is a semi-official call for all FPBers to give this opportunity serious consideration. Greenland is a relative easy destination to reach for our FPBs. Having made this life-changing cruise in 2008 we offer a few comments on the route we took.
FPB History: A Look Back At The Design Cycle That Lead To These Yachts
Fifteen years ago, when we were just starting to build the FPB Series prototype Wind Horse, we put together a video on the design cycle that lead to this new design. There was detailed information on her drag and motion analysis, including tank testing, as well as the historical foundation from which her design was developed. Read the rest »
FPB Video: The Way
A new video in which we reveal the secrets behind all those ocean-crossing miles… Read the rest »
Testing New Stabilization Software – Surprising Results
We’ve been out the past few days, testing the latest NAIAD stabilizing software on Wind Horse. We’ve had 20-to-30 knots blowing straight into Narragansett Bay with opposing and slack current, so a variety of sea states: from steep to “holy cow, look at that!” As you can see by the track above, we have been taking the waves at all angles, from dead ahead, to on the stern, and everything between. At the end of this post there are a couple of short videos.
High Definition Versions of Wind Horse Videos
The test of the high def video server has gone well, so we now have high def versions of more of the FPB 83 Wind Horse available online.
These videos include:
FPB 83 Wind Horse Introductory Video Now In High Def
The folks that “serve” our videos to the Internet have upgraded their system and we can now provide much higher definition images to you. We have to redo the output of our video editing software, so the process will take a while. The FPB 83 Wind Horse introduction is the first.
Updated Feb 9, 2018:
You can now simply view the video below, and see all our hi-def videos on our YouTube channel.
New Zealand To Fiji Part One
Part one of Wind Horse’s final sea trial, a passage from New Zealand to Fiji, with a strong gale along the way.
Greenland To Ireland – North Atlantic Gale
Enjoy an end of summer North Atlantic gale on a passage from Greenland to Ireland.
The FPB Design Cycle Part One
Part one of a two part video on the design of the FPB 83 prototype. We start with a look at the historic precedents, then go into the design details including tank testing and CFD work. The comparison between the theory shown here and the reality in the various cruising videos is fascinating.
The FPB Design Cycle Part Two
The second segment of the FPB design cycle video.
California To Panama – 2900 Miles In 12 Days
Join Wind Horse for a 2900 mile passage between California and Panama. This idyllic twelve day passage will give you a feel for the rhythm of life at sea.
Panama and the Bahamas
The passage from Panama toward the West Indies or Bahamas is always upwind. See how Wind Horse deals with this after transiting the Canal, and then enjoy cruising in the Bahamas.
Bahamas to Nova Scotia
Most folks work their way up the East Coast from the Bahamas, but Wind Horse does this trip in one jump. See how she deals with the conditions.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador are spectacular, isolated, and rugged in the extreme, and they are a challenging cruising environment. But the scenery, inhabitants, and wildlife make it worth the effort to get there.
Cruising Greenland
Greenland is one of the most challenging and beautiful cruising environments on the planet. Join us as we explore north to iceberg filled Disco Bay and south through the Prince Christian Channels.