Feels So Good


We’ve enjoyed the Balearics and loved Barcelona, but none of it compares with the feeling of Wind Horse slipping down the six foot (1.85m) waves in which we currently find ourselves surfing towards Gibraltar. A spectacular sunset and clear sky filled with stars heightens the mood aboard.


And then in the east another celestial spectacular. At first the moon rises as a fiery orange ball, shaking off the African dust. Soon it has cleared the lower atmosphere and trailed by Jupiter and its moons, sets the mood for tonight’s watches.


There’s a bite in the air, a fall like dry crisp feel to things which says its time to move on. We are wearing extra layers for the first time in many months, and the hot bowls of fresh vegetable soup and warm bread we consume for dinner hit the spot. Later tonight we’ll work on a new batch of chocolate chip cookies.


Meanwhile, our two little diesels are making music, Wind Horse is averaging 11.25 knots at 1800 RPM, and there is just enough motion as she accelerates down the waves to remind us we are at sea. We are free as the birds. You couldn’t ask for anything more.


If you are a sailor, and are having trouble relating to what we are trying to describe, think of broad reaching under spinnaker in fourteen knots of steady breeze, with the seas running under your counter at 150 degrees – a perfect surfing scenario. Illuminate the luff of the kite with the moon, while you have one hand on the helm (it is too lovely to use the pilot) and the other holds your sweety. Put a mug of hot coffee next to the wheel to complete the picture.

It feels the same on Wind Horse.

We’ll leave you with a few photos from last night. Although these are in a different context, the feelings they generate are not dissimilar to where we are right now.





Posted by Steve Dashew  (September 26, 2010)

2 Responses to “Feels So Good”

  1. Bob N Says:

    Aaah, good for you guys.

  2. Hart Pfortmueller Says:

    Your travelogue is a constant source of delight and useful information.
    The photos are superb and your writing style is very descriptive and easy to read. You are obviously very much in tune with each other, with nature and
    your boat. I hope that I’ll be able to continue enjoying your postings for a long time. Thank you for sharing your logs.