Fishers Island, New York

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It is Saturday, hot inland, and Long Island Sound beckons those who have the means to enjoy boating. It appears to us as if most of these folks are on our radar screen (shown above on an offset three mile range).

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There are all types and sizes of yachts to observe, from the ubiquitous Opti to

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the mighty J shown here a long way off in the haze.

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There is a regatta happening off West Harbor on Fishers Island. We stop to give the competitors plenty of room and make sure our wake does not disturb them. Not everyone is as courteous.

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At anchor now, we enjoy watching the action off our stern, and the mark roundings not far from the bow.

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Fishers Island offers a variety of shoreline, rocks, and marsh to entice our feathered friends.

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Although our two terabyte hard drive is overflowing with birds in flight, we cannot resist just a few more attempts at the ideal photograph.

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We don’t come even close to perfection, but the process is enjoyable, and being out in the dinghy at the end of the day a  pleasure.

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We consider going ashore, but in the end opt for a quiet night aboard Wind Horse.

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Sunday morning and we head inland to find a coffee and newspaper. We bat .500, but a bonus is waiting along the sidewalk.

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The locals are doing chores,

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crabbing at the Yacht Club where we have tied up the dinghy,

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and testing their new wheels.

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Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 21, 2011)

6 Responses to “Fishers Island, New York”

  1. Mike Says:

    Thanks for your lovely post – as usual!

    I notice on your evening photo above that you seem to have not just an anchor light. But what appears to be steaming lights as there is one light at the bow, and one (higher) at the masthead.

    Am I wrong?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Mike:
    We actually have three lights at anchor. One at the bow, the other on the aft mast, and a third on the stern/swimstep. We want to be sure folks who are returning from a party know there is a long obstruction and detour accordingly. Otherwise, between our shape and color (or lack thereof) it would be easy to assume you could pass through otherwise hard to see aluminum!

  3. Kent Says:

    I would love to see the “J” under full sail.

  4. Anthony Says:

    Hi Steve,
    Quote:”We stop to give the competitors plenty of room and make sure our wake does not disturb them. Not everyone is as courteous.”

    Wake… I’ve seen the videos.. What Wake!?

    I think this courtesy comes from you being a Yachtie who’s now on an un-sail boat.
    Those who have never sailed, don’t understand the annoyance and occasionally, danger, from large wake.

    Lovely pics by the way.
    I so like going to these places and feeling like a part of enjoyment of the waterway.


  5. Jim Blaney Says:


    If in the NYC area you may want to stop by our offices to discuss the come home engine arrangement on the 64.

    Union, NJ is only 20 minutes west of Newark airport or 40 minutes from NYC.


    Jim blaney 908 964 5656 ext 1

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks Jim:
    Will do if we get time heading South.