FPB 64-3 Video #3 and #4 – More Play In A Gale

While the Arizona Wildcats were thrashing Duke in basketball, we were out in the remnants of another New Zealand gale with Iron Lady. For company there were eighteen visitors from around the world (three parties of six). It had been blowing from the east for two days, so as you might imagine, the combination of  shoaling bottom, reflected waves, and river mouth currents made for an interesting mix.

Our guests aboard were attending the open house, and when we read the weather forecast we thought more than a few might opt for a day of touring rather than a ride in conditions no normal yacht would seek out. However, all were eager and we had a full boat – eleven per trip including owners and crew – to enjoy the “fun”.

During each of the three trips we saw some amazingly step seas, the biggest of which were ten feet/three meters and nearly breaking. iron Lady handled the upwind legs comfortably, with soft landings on the biggest and steepest seas (not a single jarring thud). Running with the waves the autopilot was at minimum gain and there was not the slightest tendency to lock in and bow steer.

Our guests counted several modern production trawler owners who had flown in from Central America and the US. Their comments were of particular interest as they have a different frame of reference.

Iron Lady is carrying full water, half fuel, and most of her cruising stores, and is on her full load marks. She is running at 9.5 to ten knots uphill and a half a knot more with the wind behind. We will show you two long sequences, seven minutes total, so you can see the conditions without interruption. Towards the end there are a couple of minutes with the seas abeam.

There was a lot of video taken, of which this is a small sample. When we get back to Arizona we will post more. Click here to play with us in the near breaking seas (video #3). Another 8 minutes with some interesting chatter is here (video #4).

Posted by Steve Dashew  (March 25, 2011)

8 Responses to “FPB 64-3 Video #3 and #4 – More Play In A Gale”

  1. Warren Cottis Says:

    Hi Steve

    To have no slamming with those seas on the nose is awesome.

    What would you say is the percentage difference between these hull shapes and Beowulf now?


  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Warren:
    Beowulf was much lighter and flatter, and so had a much more abrupt motion. She would not have been pleasant in these seas on the nose. Downhill she would have been on a plane at 16/18 knots, stable, and much more fun!

  3. John Beatty Says:

    Let’s hear it for the intrepid camera person who went up topsides and got wet whist blowing water of the lens so we could see. What a pleasure to see whole sitting in my den in soggy Seattle.

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Agreed John:
    While we were dry and warm in the Great Room Brian Rickard was shooting outside. We’ll have more of Brian’s work up in a few days.

  5. David Guest Says:

    You mentioned that there were several traditional trawler types involved. We’d be most interested in their particular comments about the stability, ride, the whole experience…. and how many new orders did you get from them? lol

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi David:
    Check Tuesday for a new video in which you can hear comments by various guests. The heavy weather was a good chance to show off the FPB 64s capabilites. Hulls five and six are now committed and we would not be surprised to complete the sale for seven and eight in the not too distant future.

  7. Valerie Creighton Says:

    Hi David,
    My husband and I were two of the aforementioned ‘traditional trawler types.’ We arrived curious, expecting greater comfort in the mild-to-moderate conditions in which we typically find ourselves while underway… but skeptical about the amount of difference we would appreciate in more sizable seas. And let me emphasize that the conditions that day have been in no way overstated; in fact, video never seems to accurately portray the way the waves truly look.

    We were stunned. Astonished. Gobsmacked. We know exactly how that would have felt in a traditional trawler. At some point you slow down, just to keep your teeth from falling out. But slowing down only makes your active stabilizers less effective against the roll, not to mention prolonging the agony of the passage. Yes, our boat can handle that. But it’s unpleasant.

    Yet here we were, in casual conversation throughout. When standing or walking, we found only a light steadying hand hold was required. I could have cooked dinner during that sea trial… and I don’t mean cup-o-noodles, either. I’m talking about a real meal.

    In short, I guess you could say we got religion!

  8. Anthony VDM Says:

    Valerie, Thanks for your input! Nice to get the opinion from the owner of another ‘type’ of vessel.

    Impressive videos!
    The lack of slamming is to be commended. Yes, there were drop-offs, and some big splashes, but no actual ‘slamming’. I don’t think I saw anyone in those videos get forced forward or lose their footing.
    That must mean that your speed also remains very constant in those waves. (And they were messy seas).

    Also, as a yachtie not accustomed to stabilized vessels, the lack of lateral movement or roll is also mighty impressive. I don’t think the deck got more than 3deg off horizontal the whole time 🙂

    Great stuff.