FPB 64 Doings and Owner’s Blogs

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With four FPB 64s + the FPB 83 prototype WInd Horse now cruising, the fifth boat under construction, and two more awaiting their start, FPB cruising news is starting to filter in. We thought a brief recap and some links might be of interest.


Avatar, the first of the FPB 64s has been cruising in the South Pacific since launching. Mike and Carol Parker will shortly be back in Fiji. You can follow their most recent adventures here. (Carol Parker photo)


Sarah Sarah, FPB 64-2, has been cruising her home waters  in the Pacific Northwest, with Bill and Sue Henry making use of her during the winter as well as spring. She will be available for viewing at Trawlerfest, Anacortes, Washington, May 12 through 14th. Contact Sue Grant: Sue.Grant@Berthon.Co.UK. for more information about visiting Sarah Sarah at Cap Sante Boat Haven.  (Bill Henry photo)

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Iron Lady, the third FPB 64, is in her first season of cruising with Debbie and Pete Rossin. They are presently enjoying Tonga after which they will  head to Fiji. Pete and Debbie have a blog at https://myironlady.wordpress.com/2010/08/23/welcome/ (Pete Rossin photo)


Osprey is the fourth FPB 64 and she is about to cross the notorious Tasman Sea heading to Australia. John Gowing and crew have tentative plans to stop at Lord Howe Island for a spot of big game fishing.

As previously mentioned, the fifth FPB 64 is being framed up. Cutting of plate for the sixth boat will start shortly, with the seventh boat later in the year. Valerie and Stan Creighton, soon to be owners of FPB 64-7 have an interesting blog on their decision to switch from their present trawler yacht to an FPB  here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 9, 2011)

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