FPB 70-1: Construction Update

It’s a busy time down at Circa. FPB 70-1 is on the home stretch toward splashing. Systems, interior cabinetry, finishing welds, all happening at a rapid pace now.

The first two photos above show FPB 70-1 from the foredeck looking aft.

Swim step ladder in place, entrance to workshop shown to port.


Looking starboard from galley.

Great room looking forward.

Great room looking aft.

Systems area in the basement.

Plumbing manifolds port aft corner of the basement, with port aft guest stateroom behind.

Cabinetry for the office area in the basement.

FPB 70-1 is scheduled to launch mid-year.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 4, 2018)

9 Responses to “FPB 70-1: Construction Update”

  1. Scotto Says:

    thanks for the build update,
    really love this stuff.
    has had me hooked to this site for 15 years,
    since stumbling on early hull construction pics of Windhorse…

    love it, keep it up.

    great work, construction crew!!

  2. Pete Chaseling Says:

    Looking fantastic guys!

  3. Jamie Wicks Says:

    Great to see some updates. Its been a pleasure to watch these vessels come together and the knowledge I’ve learned through this site makes me look at other vessels with a critical eye. With these final builds nearing completion I’ve been looking at what else compares to these FPB’s. I am yet to find a worthy competitor that ticks so many boxes.

  4. Bob N Says:

    Aaah, my favorite of all the boats of which we’ve been shown in build photos.
    Very glad to see the vertical rather than angled mullions in the forward face of the great room.
    Interesting to see how shallow and negotiable the steps between the accommodation and aft deck are.
    All looks triffic. And I’m green. Again.

  5. James Masters Says:

    Thank you, Steve, for taking the time to post this update. I’m looking forward to seeing the difference ‘tween 701 and 702 …. It seems to me that having the aft-deck covered, as the 78s have, has definite advantages — is 702’s matrix deck being built like your original-drawings …?

  6. John W Risner Says:

    Great pic’s. One of the last of the Mohican’s. Thanks for update.

  7. Valerie Creighton Says:

    We are drooling. Planning a visit in a few weeks to see her in the flesh. It’s been a long wait but we can see it will have been worth it!

  8. Michael T Jones Says:

    So nice to see this design blossom into finality. This may well be the ultimate couple’s cruising boat.

  9. marco Says:

    In my opinion the FPB70 is the culmination of all the best features of all the FPB and is the model I would like to own one day. Pity only 2 will ever be built but there will be 2 very lucky cruisers out there!