FPB 70-1: Splashed & Trialing

We know readers have been eager for some FPB 70 news. With FPB 70-1 now splashed and undergoing sea trials, we thought we would share some photos with you.

This series of pics, from before and after launch, are without caption, as your trusty correspondents are busy enough with other tasks that if we wait to discuss every photo…

…we’re concerned you won’t see any for some time.

Suffice it to say FPB 70-1 is hitting its numbers as expected.

Congratulations are in order to Stan and Valerie Creighton, proud owners of Buffalo Nickel, FPB 70-1.

Stay tuned…

Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 15, 2018)

3 Responses to “FPB 70-1: Splashed & Trialing”

  1. Steve Rodli Says:

    I’m not seeing the davits for the dinghies, as mentioned in the earlier post. Was there a change, or am I missing something?

  2. Ward Bush Says:

    It’s too bad Berthon’s never carried through with the promised blog about FPB 70 progress reports, but at least we’re getting some pictures now!

  3. scotto Says:

    I have been missing my construction updates.
    I love the large “Matrix” room, i’d be spending a lot of time up there.
    please keep the occasional update coming.
