FPB 78-1 Cochise: A (Brief) Stop In Beautiful Fatu Hiva


When we are asked our favorite destinations from a lifetime of cruising…

Hanavave is at the top of the list.


The view from inside, even on a rainy morning, is stunning.


The photos do not begin to show what you experience in the flesh.


Every direction holds unique beauty.

Looking carefully at the preceding photos you may notice some white dots. These are mountain goats.

This is also the location of the best of the Marquesan pamplemousse, or grapefruit. But these grapefruit are unlike anything your imagination can conjure. Sweet, succulent, and addictive. There is no equal. The last time we had one of these was in 2005 when we were bringing Wind Horse up from New Zealand to the west coast of the US. We had stopped at Fanning atoll and met a cruiser on his way to Hawaii from the Marquesas. He was out of fresh food, except for pamplemousse, which keep well. We gave him a bunch of extra vegetables we had aboard and he gave us a pamplemousse.

This is a very short maintenance stop. We are giving the boat a quick once-over before the hop to Panama, along with attending to the ongoing “to do” list.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 26, 2016)

5 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Cochise: A (Brief) Stop In Beautiful Fatu Hiva”

  1. Shannon Says:

    Thank You!

    I asked about this magical location over a month ago. And there you are! Since I am on a roll predicting the itinerary, you know a picture of Cochise going under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge would be real nice! (Hint Hint) 🙂

    May I ask what are you using for internet connectivity?

  2. admin Says:

    Hi Shannon —
    Steve & Linda are using an Iridium Go with XGate internet connectivity, via Global Marine Net.

  3. Ron Eberle Says:

    Just wondering about the lines under the coach-roof panels? Third image down.

    Always enjoy your images and hope you guys are enjoying your Ekornes recliners!

    Ron E

  4. steve dashew Says:

    Hello Ron,
    Those are man lines – overhead rope handrails in effect – which we fit for passaging. Same in staterooms and great room.

  5. Ryan Wynott Says:

    I’m really liking the angled mullions!