FPB 78-1 Cochise Eastbound Towards Panama: Squall Season

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One of the advantages of heading upwind, against the trade winds, is that you see many more squalls than if you were going in their same direction. Given the political season, we thought the topic of squalls particularly apt…

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They come at night, which is especially difficult to capture on film.

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The best time of day for photos is sunrise or sunset.

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They show up a long way off on radar. Usually they look worse than they really are.

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We sit comfortably on watch and enjoy the show.

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We hope you enjoy the show as well.

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Post script:

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We passed by Tiki, a small island south of Takaroa, that we last visited with a boatload of Tuamotan friends in 1977.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 25, 2016)

3 Responses to “FPB 78-1 Cochise Eastbound Towards Panama: Squall Season”

  1. Pam Wall Says:

    Beautiful photographs! They take me right there with you! A little different from running down the Trades!! Oh gosh! Makes me homesick to be at sea! Thank you. I love being there with you through your photos.

  2. scotto Says:


  3. David Guest Says:

    “difficult to capture on film.” What is film?
